Latest offers and promos

🌍Let's work together for a #SeriouslyBetterWorld🌍
To help you do your part in minimising waste everyday, we’re excited to announce our all-new, limited edition Fairtrade tote bag that you can get for FREE for every purchase above Eur150*.
We create our own designs of canvas bags with limited quantities. New designs are produced every time the quantities run out, so every edition is very limited and not reprinted!
Get yours now and collect our canvas bags!🤩
FREE FULL-SIZE item for purchases ABOVE EUR300🎁
🌏Help us save on carbon emissions and collect your order!🌏
As thanks, we will give €5 vouchers for all pickup orders above €50!
(You are entitled to a €5 voucher after succesfully placing a pickup order above €50. The voucher code will be sent to you in a separate email after your pickup date or after you have collected your order, and can be used on your next order. Voucher validity is six weeks from date of pickup date.)
In the event that you returned an item within the 14-day return period and this resulted to the qualifying order to be below Eur50, we reserve the right to cancel the Eur5 voucher provided to you, following our returns policy.)